"The Original Liquid Applied Rubber Roof Shield System" TM

Roof Contractors

Most roofing contractors are hard-working people who want to sell you a quality system, install it correctly, and see that you get a good, long-lasting job. But, as in every industry, there are a few sharp contractors out there who just want to take your money and run.

There are several steps you as a consumer should take before selecting a contractor.

By state law, all roof installations must be done by a licensed contractor. If you are in doubt about a contractor, call the Department of Business and Professional Regulation at 1-850-487-1395 , they'll be happy to tell you if the contractor is licensed or not.

Request a current certificate of insurance from the contractor for workers' compensation and general liability coverage. Any contractor who cannot furnish these documents may not have the coverage required by law and you, the property owner, may be liable for any claim.

Require that the contractor obtain the building permit and that it be posted on the property before work begins. Never apply for a permit for the contractor.

Request a "lien waiver" from the contractor upon making a lump sum or final payment for any project.

If, for any reason the contractor does not fulfill the terms of the contract, you should again contact the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation at 1-850-487-1395. Also, be sure to notify your local Building Department and the Better Business Bureau.